Friday, July 6, 2007

Assbooger Introduction

Assbooger Introduction
So....I think my boss may have Asperger syndrome, or Assbooger syndrome, whichever you prefer:

Asperger syndrome (also referred to as Asperger's syndrome, Asperger's disorder, Asperger's, or AS) is a condition on the autistic spectrum. It manifests in various ways and can have both positive and negative effects. It is typically characterized by issues with social and communication skills. The diagnosis of AS is complicated by the lack of standardized diagnostic criteria. Instead, several different screening instruments and sets of diagnostic criteria are used. AS is often not identified in early childhood, and many individuals are not diagnosed until they are adults. Assistance for core symptoms of AS consists of therapies that apply behaviour management strategies and address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness. Many individuals with AS can adopt strategies for coping and do lead fulfilling lives — being gainfully employed, having successful relationships, and having families. In most cases, they are aware of their differences and can recognize if they need any support to maintain an independent life.[4]

He sends out crazy COMPANY WIDE emails -- like this one in response to a birthday party he threw for his son [using company funds]:


I wanted to say thanks for the nice picnic yesterday. Litte Assbooger was very happy with all of his little birthday presents as well; a few of them were very good really.

He was in a good mood all evening after that as well.




If you have a child, this is serious business. Thomas Tank Engines toys are everywhere...




Well barbecue season is officially open at the Assbooger house now. The gas grill is repaired finally.




I think we pay considerably more when work is shotty upstream and has to be cleaned up downstream. It is considerably more expensive to clean up downstream.

Everyone should stop doing this kind of work and get process and approval correct and stop letting badly designed or improperly finished work fall onto others.

Basically, a lot of shitty incomplete work is finding its way to my plate simply because the people don’t have their house in order and are not well organized.Let’s clean this up promptly.Get process and design correct and make sure work is properly reviewed and clean.Have a good day.



1 comment:

Nortorious said...

So, if you quit that job and work for yourself, are you going to come home complaining about how crazy YOU are?