Sunday, July 22, 2007


If someone came up to you, screamed "WAWAWAWA!" and then puked milk on your shirt, you'd probably be a little miffed. You might even punch them in the face. What you wouldn't do is wipe off their mouth with a soft towel and then give them a kiss on the cheek.

So what's the deal with the babies? Mimi puked on me 7 times today and I still thought she was cute. I think she is secretly laughing at me because she can puke on me with impunity.

Why having a baby is like hanging out with a drunk college buddy:

1. Vommits on your shoulder
2. Wobbly; can't stand up without help
3. Incoherant speech
4. Drools
5. Pees/Poops in pants
6. Cries, then laughs often while farting
7. Likes boobs.


Ellie said...

By far your most hilarious post. I love Mimi.

Nortorious said...

If you did all those things to me, I'd still love you. Best post yet.

Celia Fae said...

Wait until she gets older and pukes real food on you. One time I was driving my car and Beatrice was behind me and she projectile vomited and it got all over me. I still love her but I almost crashed.

Paige said...

Today Bea puking pepperoni pizza all over me. Everytime she starts barfing, Jeff jumps up. You are a better father than him. Or you don't mind boob milk. Jeff hates pepperoni.