Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pink Eye for the Straight Guy


I’m in Dublin Ireland now, and it has apparently rained here every day for the last six weeks. I haven’t seen any sunlight over here, just clouds.

I’m meeting one of our old employees Michael Doorley for a drink and dinner this evening. He lives somewhere in Dublin. Tomorrow I’m off to Prague to visit a client, poor me.

My boy and I both now have pink eye as well. He must have given it to me as a going away present right before I left California..



Nortorious said...

EW!! You get pink eye from picking your bum and then touching your eye! Assbooger is gross. Did he pay for his kid's ticket with company funds? Is his wife there too?

Celia Fae said...

Nor, you are wrong about pink eye. Mom told us that to make us wash our hands. I know, because I was spreading the word to others, and this girl got really mad at me for suggesting her daughter was unclean. She asked her doctor, and the doctor said it is a virus. Tell mom the myth worked for about 25 years.

Dax, I am grateful for Assbooger. He is very entertaining.

Ellie said...

He could change his name to eyebooger now. GROSS.

Paige said...

How do you think viruses are transmitted? Through germs, butt hands and then touching your eye. Mom was right.

Ellie said...

Or people farting on your pillow.