Recently, my wife held a "Dork Contest" on her blog where I was one of the unwiling contestants. While my comment about Optimus Prime, the greatest Transformer of all time, does not rise to the level of belonging to the Celine Dion Fan Club, I must draw the line at the term "Dork" as used by my dear wife. What I said was probably "geeky" but certainly did not rise to the level of dorkdom.
A "dork" is someone who lacks social skills.
A "geek" is someone who is really into stuff like computers, comics, video games (usually to the point of obsession), but not necessarily a "nerd".
A "nerd" is someone who obsesses with being smart and will let you know how smart they are but may not be a "geek".
A "fernard" is someone who repeatedly performs acts of stupidity.
A "fathead" is someone with, well, a fat head.
My wife, for instance, obsesses over Elvis. She loves anything Elvis and knows all his songs, including all the bad ones. This would put her in the category of "Elvis Geek". Elvis, as pictured above, would be in the category of "fathead".